
Soifyoureplace[thelyric]:'danceforme,danceforme'with'singforme,singforme,'it'sprettyliteral,shesaid.Musicvideo.LiamKellyand ...,,Theysaymoveforme,moveforme,moveforme,ay,ay,ay.Andwhenyou'redoneI'llmakeyoudoitallagain.Theysay.Danceforme,danceforme,dancefor ...,,,2022年9月2日—Danceformedanceformeohohho.RowenaRyder.21videosLastupdatedonSep2,2022.,

Dance Monkey

So if you replace [the lyric]: 'dance for me, dance for me' with 'sing for me, sing for me,' it's pretty literal, she said. Music video. Liam Kelly and ...

Dance Monkey

They say move for me, move for me, move for me, ay, ay, ay. And when you're done I'll make you do it all again. They say. Dance for me, dance for me, dance for ...

Dance for me dance for me oh oh ho

2022年9月2日 — Dance for me dance for me oh oh ho. Rowena Ryder. 21 videosLast updated on Sep 2, 2022.